Monday, November 2, 2009


Happy November!!

Weekend recap...... This was Saturday night. Getting ready to go out with my sisters, Craig and my sisters husband. We decided to go out to Mill Avenue and then dancing afterwards. Basically on Mill Ave. we would be walking around and checking out the crazy and fun costumes.

Craig and I as a nerd and school girl. This was the second costume I got. This was a last minute costume that we put together. Craig really liked the idea of me being a school girl and I wasn't against it. =)

My sister Vero was an Angel and my sister Paula was a witch. We love hanging out together and being nerds.  Mill Avenue turned out to be a lot of fun. There was SO many people there. We saw a few crazy constumes. Some were pretty scary. We wanted to go dancing after but my little sister got sick and decided to go home. It was still a great night. I didn't complain about going home. I was pooped. The crazy night life is just not for me. I will enjoy it once in awhile but I'm a stay home kind've gal.

Sunday was a nice day of resting. We woke up at 8 and that was sleeping in to us. It felt good to sleep in for the first time in a VERY long time. We watched Nascar and took many much needed naps. After resting we went to 3 Sport Authority stores in search for the LunarGlide running shoe. They didn't have them in the color I wanted so I ended up ordering them online. I did try them on at the store and ran around the store like a crazy person. I wanted to make sure that they were what I wanted before placing my order. They should be here in about 6 business days. Yay! Can't wait to get the box with my new running shoes.

Today Craig gets off an hour later then usual. I think he will have that schedule for a few months. Which means I will be working out SOLO. I'm okay with that. We still get to have dinner together and that's way important to us. I will be getting home from the gym around the same time he is getting home from work. He'll be going to the gym in the morning now. This might mean that I'll have more time to blog during the week. We'll see. (as Craig always says)

Hope your all enjoying your Monday! I can't believe it's November already!!!! 2 months until the P.F.Changs Rock 'N' Roll Marathon!!

 Do you have any races coming up that your looking forward to?


  1. ooooh sexxy outfit! ;) looks like y'all had fun!

    I have my first half marathon coming up in 2 weeks! San Antonio Rock 'n' roll marathon :) I'm very much looking forward to do that!

  2. Nice school girl costume. I think most guys would agree with that request ;)

  3. What a good weekend. I'm already planning for next year. :)
